Are you a satisfied single?
So you’re single and you’re not sure you like it. You’re not sure you’re living God’s best for you. You’re not sure you’ll be able to thrive and be all you can be for Christ. In Valenthrive – A 7-Day Thrive Guide I will challenge you to evaluate how satisfied you are in your single life and guide you to your best life yet as a single Christian.
You will learn the importance of knowing who you are in Christ, how to accept your singleness as a gift, how to overcome self-pity and living in the past, how to break away from sinful habits that control you, how to live with single-minded focus and how thriving can become your reality right now.
God has not forgotten you. You are not living out plan B for your life. Your singleness is God’s perfect place for you to thrive.
Are you a satisfied single?
So you’re single and you’re not sure you like it. You’re not sure you’re living God’s best for you. You’re not sure you’ll be able to thrive and be all you can be for Christ. In Valenthrive – A 7-Day Thrive Guide I will challenge you to evaluate how satisfied you are in your single life and guide you to your best life yet as a single Christian.
You will learn the importance of knowing who you are in Christ, how to accept your singleness as a gift, how to overcome self-pity and living in the past, how to break away from sinful habits that control you, how to live with single-minded focus and how thriving can become your reality right now.
God has not forgotten you. You are not living out plan B for your life. Your singleness is God’s perfect place for you to thrive.
Hey. I'm Lina Abujamra and this is Today's Single Christian.
You’ve probably heard me say that on Moody Radio! Glad you stopped by here!
Take a minute and check out what I’ve put together for you here. Most of it is free, and aims at helping you thrive in your singleness. You can access the resources also on our app, which you can download here.
I’d love to hear about you! Just fill out the contact form and tell me what’s up.
By the way, click on the Moody Radio icon or on Listen Now and you’ll find a bunch of recent TSC episodes to catch up on!
Listen to Today’s Single Christian on Moody Radio at 1:27pm and 9:43 pm every day. In Chicago that’s 90.1 FM.
Hey. I'm Lina Abujamra and this is Today's Single Christian.

You’ve probably heard me say that on Moody Radio! Glad you stopped by here!
Take a minute and check out what I’ve put together for you here. Most of it is free, and aims at helping you thrive in your singleness. You can access the resources also on our app, which you can download here.
I’d love to hear about you! Just fill out the contact form and tell me what’s up.
By the way, click on the Moody Radio icon or on Listen Now and you’ll find a bunch of recent TSC episodes to catch up on!
Listen to Today’s Single Christian on Moody Radio at 1:27pm and 9:43 pm every day. In Chicago that’s 90.1 FM.
Are you simply surviving singleness?
You were meant to thrive!
Despite what many people think, singleness is not plan B. It’s not the lesser option. Singleness is God’s gift to you today.
In Thrive. The Single Life as God Intended, Lina AbuJamra – who has been single for over 40 years – will show you that the single life is a good life and you don’t have to keep waiting for something to change. You can thrive starting right now! You matter, your singleness is not a mistake, and you can make a difference with your life today. God’s desire for every single Christian is to thrive.
Are you simply surviving singleness?
You were meant to thrive!
Despite what many people think, singleness is not plan B. It’s not the lesser option. Singleness is God’s gift to you today.
In Thrive. The Single Life as God Intended, Lina AbuJamra – who has been single for over 40 years – will show you that the single life is a good life and you don’t have to keep waiting for something to change. You can thrive starting right now!
You matter, your singleness is not a mistake, and you can make a difference with your life today. God’s desire for every single Christian is to thrive.
More Resources
The Change Series
Need help overcoming negative habits and finding lasting change within yourself? The Change series is the perfect video series for you. It is an online teaching series to find hope, overcome failure, create lasting change, and find a life of deep satisfaction so you can become the best single Christian you can be.
She Gives Hope, our online store, is the simplest way for you to make a difference in big ways. 100% of the profits from this store go towards our work with refugees in the Middle East. Together we heal, feed, educate and transform lives.
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